Commercial restroom Lighting Fixtures

Public restrooms of the future: increasingly sustainable and environmentally friendly

By Roselena Greiffenstein | April 3,2012 || Architecture and Design | Tags: energy saving ,Sustainable Design

Gradually we have seen how technology has been gaining ground in the bathrooms pubic airports,shopping malls,educational institutions,etc..Increasingly common automatic devices are driven with no human contact through infrared sensors for toilets,sinks and hand dryers.This automated system not only led to significant savings in water and electricity to the facilities,but also promote the sustainability of natural resources and minimizing waste.

But there are many things that still can be improved to optimize the proper use of public toilets.How will they be in the future?In an article published by,Klaus Reichardt,enterprise Waterless Co ,tells us what the trends for public restrooms,always thinking about saving water and electricity,as well as practicality first choice.These are some of the trends that catch our attention:

- Public toilets,particularly in schools,have a coating on the walls chemical resistant graffiti.These materials not only help minimize graffiti marks,but other brands and papers that adhere to the walls allowing them easier to remove.

- Today the use of sunlight is increasing in schools and offices,and it is expected that bathrooms too.For this to be possible,larger windows will be installed,or will be located in strategic places with reflective surfaces that help improve natural lighting.The goal is to reduce the amount of artificial illumination (power) required.Natural light is used in conjunction with occupancy sensors and is expected to more adequate lighting will encourage users to keep bathrooms cleaner and free of graffiti.

- Hot water systems only activated on demand and bathrooms have their own source of hot water.This will help reduce energy needs.

Water saving

No analysis of trends in the bathrooms would be complete without talking about water conservation.In most buildings,the bathroom is where most water is used and wasted.In 1992,the U.S. Congresspassed the Energy Policy Act which mandated that new toilets in the country should not use more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush (GPF).However,at that time as at present,many of them use as many as three or more GPF.

Although the first systems did not work well,as they often required multiple waves for better cleaning,now many manufacturers are introducing toilets that use 1.3 gallons per flush or less.In addition,many facilities are going a step further by using waterless urinals.These are especially popular in educational institutions as they usually do not have handles to drop or external piping,making them less susceptible to vandalism.They also tend to be less expensive to purchase and install a urinal water regardless water savings estimated 40, 000 gallons per year per urinal.

Impact on Cleaning

The bathrooms of the future will be easier to clean and disinfect as they will have fewer contact points and the walls will be fewer victims of graffiti and posters.Thanks to this,the cleaners will spend more of their time and energy where it is needed: in cleaning fixtures and floors.

It is also expected that the procedures and equipment for cleaning floors more automated in both large and small bathrooms.This will be achieved through the use of systems "contactless" and is disregarded cleaning methods and spray cleaner and squeegee systems.Studies indicate that these systems help reduce cleaning time,which in turn can reduce costs.They are considered safer for cleaning worker because you would not need to touch the bathroom accessories. Besides eliminating the need for cleaning floors,where it can spread instead of removing contaminants from soil surfaces.

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